Course Description
Middle School PE/Health: Course Description
- Physical Education and Health students in this class demonstrate competence in motor skills and movement patterns. They continue to develop more skillful movements, patterns and object manipulation through dynamic activity and game-like situations.
- Students at this level are beginning to explore more complex applications of skillful movement, patterns and object manipulation by incorporating multiple skills at the same time.
- Students will begin to explore tactics of different games and game like situations. This tactical approach will be developed more deeply throughout the course.
- Students continue to deepen their fitness literacy by applying health and skill related fitness components to activities in class.
- Students will analyze their skill with skill analysis projects, create practice activities for specific games/sports, set goals and track progress on their level of fitness. This continued exploration of fitness literacy will also be deepened by investigating how nutrition, healthy habits, peer pressure and stress affect performance not only with physical fitness but also in other aspects of life as well.
- Students will help to maintain a positive learning environment that is physically and emotionally safe and will refine and develop appropriate affective interpersonal skills.